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Immundiagnostik’s IDK Extract® was recently featured in a publication by Gioxari et al.

Publication Summary

A study at Harokopio University in Athens, Greece aimed to investigate the connection between serum levels of vitamin D, folate, and cobalamin and IBD-related biomarkers using Immundiagnostik’s IDK Extract® Stool Preparation System. Deficiencies in these vitamins are commonly found in individuals with IBD.

A group of 87 individuals with either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis participated in the study, and of those, 36.8%, 18.4%, and 5.7% were deficient in serum 25(OH)D, folate, and cobalamin, respectively. They also found positive associations between (a) serum 25(OH) Vitamin D with serum iron and (b) serum cobalamin with total bilirubin and direct bilirubin.

The researchers concluded that vitamin deficiencies are prevalent in people with IBD, and vitamins play a pivotal role in IBD severity and prognosis.

Read the full publication: Serum Vitamins D, B9, and B12 in Greek Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Biomarker Background: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential, fat-soluble vitamin produced in the body following exposure to sunlight or consumption of certain foods. It is bound in the blood to a binding protein (DBP) in its inactive form and must be activated by undergoing hydroxylation in the liver to become 25-hydroxyvitamin D (precursor vitamin D).

It is then further metabolized in the kidney to form 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (active vitamin D), which is the vitamin D metabolite with the highest biological activity and functions as a hormone (D-hormone). It regulates the uptake of calcium from the intestine, the mineralization of bones, the differentiation of osteoblasts as well as bone matrix synthesis. Furthermore, D-hormone influences neuro-muscular functions.

Recent studies have shown that active vitamin D levels are closely related to gut microbiome diversity, which suggests the gut microbiome’s role as a catalyst in the metabolism of precursor vitamin D to active vitamin D.

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The IDK Extract® Stool Sample Preparation System is FDA Class 1 Exempt. For In Vitro Diagnostic Use.

No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

Featured Kit: IDK Extract® Stool Sample Preparation System

  • Allows for the determination of several parameters from a single stool sample
  • Consistent, hygienic sample preparation
  • Customized bulk quantities available
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