Laboratory Services
Our goal is to be a long-term partner to laboratories of all sizes. We offer a variety of IDK® Lab Services to help your organization remain competitive and evolve.

Proficiency Testing
If your lab adopts an esoteric test and interlaboratory data is unavailable, Immundiagnostik provides Proficiency Testing Services to help confirm lab-to-lab consistency. We offer this service in partnership with Immundiagnostik AG so you can compare your lab’s data against others’ and examine your internal processes. Our Validation Assistance Services also include proficiency testing for any esoteric IDK® test.
Closing Dates: March 31 and October 31 of each year.
Additional Lab Services
Our partners at Immundiagnostik AG welcome opportunities to collaborate with labs worldwide. If your organization is understaffed or lacks the specific equipment needed to run an IDK® test, we provide Analytical Services to labs of all sizes.
Additionally, when you cannot find the specific assay you need, Immundiagnostik can help create and validate an assay to meet your lab’s needs as part of our Custom Assay Development program. Collaborate with our team of experts to develop a solution that fits your workflow.

Other Services

Validation Assistance Services
Expert-guided assay validation assistance services tailored to your lab’s needs.

Custom Bulk Packaging
Reduce your lab’s environmental impact, maximize storage space, and increase efficiency at a lower cost.
Reach Out to Our Team
If you need assistance with any of our products or services, contact our support team to get your questions answered.